Articles and Research
Below are downloadable articles and research papers related to Gitelman Syndrome.
Unexpected clinical sequelae of Gitelman syndrome
Understanding Bartter syndrome and Gitelman syndrome
Spectrum of Mutations in Gitelman Syndrome
SLC26A3 gene analysis in patients with Bartter and Gitelman syndromes
Potassium channels
Myocardial perfusion defects in Bartter and Gitelman syndromes
Gitelman’s Not-So-Benign Syndrome
Clinical Severity of Gitelman Syndrome Determined by Serum Magnesium
An unusual presentation of primary renal hypokalemia
Myocardial function in Bartter’s and Gitelman’s Syndromes
GS case report dietary
Gitelman syndrome pathophysiological and clinical aspects
Cola-induced hypokalaemia: pathophysiological
mechanisms and clinical implications
Troubleshooting Erroneous Potassiums in a
Clinical Laboratory Setting
Guideline for the perioperative management of people with inherited salt-wasting alkaloses (Gitelman’s syndrome and Bartter’s syndrome)
undergoing non-urgent surgical procedures.