Forum Help

Please note: Internet Explorer version 11 and lower has been found to have issues with the activation process. We recommend ChromeFirefox or Safari for use with the forums.

In order to post in certain sections of the Forums you will need to be a registered member.
The registration process is very simple:

1. Go to the forums and click “Register” at the top right of the screen

2. Enter your email address (you will need to access this email box to activate your account) and press Continue

3. Fill in all fields (Password, Your Name, Your birthday and gender) and press Continue

4. Enter a forum username (this will be the username you use to log into the forums) and accept the terms of service agreement, then press Continue

5. Fill in the ReCaptcha field and press submit – You will now be sent an activation email.

6. Either copy the activation key into the login screen, or click the link in the email to activate your user account.

You can now log into the forums and start posting.